Friday 8 June 2012

Genealogical Oddities (XXIII): A Belgian Baptism in Seville, 1868

A baptism recorded at Seville's parish of San Roque in December 1868 must have tested the limits of the priest's ability to spell phonetically - in the effort to detail so many foreign names and places, the child's name seems to have been omitted from the entry, unless the name 'Eduardo' scribbled in the margin, when taken with the godparent's name, can be held as sufficient identification.

The child was born on 10 Dec 1868 to Eugène Robelus [sp?] and his wife Constance Doquier, both Belgians, he a native of Heer, she of Brussels. Paternal grandparents were 'Adverto' Robelus (Albert? Adalbert?) and Caroline Hensyn, of Heer; Maternal grandparents, Jean Doquier, of Constance, and Constance Calbaerts, said to be of the same [I'm a bit concerned by this profusion of the word 'Constancia' and wonder if this may not simply be the point at which the priest gave in to exhaustion!]. The godparents were Eduardo Linsser and Concepción Quintanilla - relationship between these two, if any, not specified.

SOURCE: Archivo Municipal de Sevilla, Baptism Duplicates, Book 210, P. 578